
主要遊戲特色一個翻天覆地的世界——距離莊家遭人推翻已經過了100年,生與死的遊戲已經迎來了一位新主人。22個刺激的新挑戰將考驗你的牌技——獵殺殘忍的刺客,為不幸的戀人們 ...,DeckbuildingcomestolifeinHandofFate!Aninfinitelyreplayableseriesofquests-earnnewcards,buildyourdeck,thentrytodefeatit!,Inacabinattheendoftheworld,thegameoflifeanddeathisplayed.Drawyourcards,playyourhand,anddiscoveryourfate.,Drawyour...

Hand of Fate 2

主要遊戲特色一個翻天覆地的世界——距離莊家遭人推翻已經過了100年,生與死的遊戲已經迎來了一位新主人。22個刺激的新挑戰將考驗你的牌技——獵殺殘忍的刺客,為不幸的戀人們 ...

Hand of Fate

Deckbuilding comes to life in Hand of Fate! An infinitely replayable series of quests - earn new cards, build your deck, then try to defeat it!

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In a cabin at the end of the world, the game of life and death is played. Draw your cards, play your hand, and discover your fate.

Hand of Fate on Steam

Draw your cards, play your hand, and discover your fate. Hand of Fate is a hybrid roguelike/action-RPG/deck builder, in which the player builds a set of cards ...